Rondje Pontje

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On Monday morning we decided to pass on the paasmarkt – a special Easter Monday market in town – and instead set out on the Rondje Pontje – a round trip using small ferries -, as advertised in the harbour’s information guide.

There was a map showing the route and it involved taking three ferries. Being biking fanatics we opted for the longer, 30km route and gaily set off. The guide recommended getting a €6 euro dagkaart for the ferries which gives access to all ferries in the area, and we did fall for this ‘goedkoop’ – special offer – on the advice of the ferry man. It wasn’t until a longer conversation on the second ferry that we discovered that none of the ferries cost more than a euro or so each, so you’d have to do a lot more than the 30km route to get your money’s worth out of the €6 ticket!

So, I don’t recommend the dagkaart if you decide to do the Rondje Pontje, but I do recommend the cycle ride. Beautiful countryside, quiet lanes, and if you do the route clockwise, finishing up in Woudrichem, you can stop off at the Pannekoekenschip for lunch.

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